Philip Beale

Philip Beale

Philip Beale is a daring and fearless explorer, adventurer, and leader.

By the time he turned 21, he had already taken part in two expeditions in the Pacific region and Papua New Guinea. Notably, he embarked on a solo trek along the north coast of Papua New Guinea and ventured up the formidable Sepik River. In 2005, he engaged in a challenging rafting journey down the Firth River in northern Canada and, the following year, achieved a significant feat by completing the first skiing traverse of Liverpool Land in Eastern Greenland.

In 2006, he founded Pioneer Expeditions Worldwide, an adventure travel company, and remains actively involved in the business. His unwavering determination and drive keep him focused and enable him to motivate his teams to achieve ambitious objectives even in the most challenging situations.

To hire Expedition Leader and Business Speaker Philip Beale, contact us at Great British Speakers

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