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Amy is well-known in the cultural and creative industries. Amongst many accolades as a broadcaster and presenter, Amy is also a known co-founder of RVT Future, a voluntary LGBTQ+ community group, campaigning to preserve the iconic Royal Vauxhall Pub – the UK’s oldest LGBTQ+ pub and entertainment venue.
Her debut book, From Prejudice to Pride: A History of the LGBTQ+ Movement was the first book of its kind, solely dedicated towards teens.
Amy served as Mayoress of Camden in 2010/11 and spent her year highlighting the history and culture of live music and nightlife in the borough.
Ben has delivered over 400 talks reaching nearly 100,000 people since completing his 401 Challenge, so raise money for the LGBTQ+ anti-bullying charity, Stonewall. His teaching includes healing through support, achieving goals and above all, proving that with happiness and a strong foundation, anything is possible.
The 401 Foundation, which was set up in response to Ben’s accomplishments undertaking The 401 Challenge, offers grants with the aim to help communities and individuals build confidence and self-esteem, and positively contribute to people’s mental wellbeing, especially to those within the LGBTQ+ community.
Matt is an inspiring and thought-provoking transgender speaker. His life experience as a trans man himself means those who hear Matt speak are inspired and encouraged to overcome any hurdles and tackle adversity in their own day-to-day lives.
Matt aims to educate his audience on topics such as medical interventions, social aspects of being transgender, safe practices and equality rights, as well the legal implications of the Gender Recognition Act.
TV personality, comedian and host, Sandi Toksvig OBE is an activist for gender equality. In 2014 she co-founded the Women’s Equality Party.
According to their 2017 statement;
(they) recognise that the binary words “woman” and “man” do not reflect the gender experience of everyone in our country and support the right of all to define their sex or gender or to reject gendered divisions as they choose/ WE are committed to addressing the very real oppression of trans people as well as the social structures that oppress and sometimes erase cis women and damage all genders. Cis inclusivity must never mean trans exclusivity, nor vice versa. There are huge and serious issues to address and it is vital that we find ways to discuss our experiences in an environment of mutual respect and tolerance if we are to progress to equality for all.
November 17 statement – Women’s Equality (womensequality.org.uk)
In 2020, it was announced that pro-Olympic female boxer Nicola Adams would join the line-up of Strictly Come Dancing (BBC). She, alongside her dance partner, professional dancer and choreographer Katya Jones would be part of the competition’s first same-sex couple.
I think it’s really important, it’s definitely time for a change. It will be nice for the LGBT community to be able to see there are same-sex couples on the show as well, it’s just breaking those boundaries and showing people that it’s OK.
Nicola Adams OBE- LGBT History Month
Whilst ‘in the closet’, Matt shut out his inner feelings, but he fulfilled his ambition and finally qualified as a Fast Jet Pilot. Matt describes his journey and the impact on his mental health whilst hiding his true self and operating in a macho, intolerant work environment.
During this journey Matt had no one to turn to, his performance faltered, his stress levels became unmanageable and he failed his RAF ‘Top Gun’ course. Matt links his mental well-being, stress, reliance to performance and productivity.
He eventually moved to the Royal Squadron and met an inspirational leader who developed trust and inclusion. As a result when the law changed he eventually came out. His leader’s exemplary inclusive style changed his life, both personally and professionally.
Although Matt’s diversity talk has an LGBTQ+ theme, it holds relevance to wider issues of marginalisation, be it gender, working parents, or ethnic minorities.
As a member of the LGBT community Will also enjoys speaking about the importance of being comfortable with your sexuality and identity, overcoming adversity and taking care of your mental health.
Will’s passion for public speaking and expert delivery has led him to speak to some of the world’s leading businesses, including TikTok, The British Heart Foundation, MediaCom & LinkedIn. Will was also invited by MediaCom to deliver a talk on the importance of diversity in the workplace in 2019 and in 2021 TikTok invited Will to speak about the importance of authentic black representation on social media.
Will delivered a thorough and educational presentation about diversity and it left the whole company filled with knowledge and ideas on how to improve.
Vivienne Dovi, Media Executive at MediaCom
Looking for some light-hearted comedy, then perhaps consider the likes of chat-show host Graham Norton, TV presenter Anna Richardson or comedian Zoe Lyons, to bring something truly unique and memorable to your event.
And while these talents may not as strongly advertise their connection to the LGBTQ+ community as those listed above, they still have a true appreciation for the LGBTQ+ fight for inclusion and equality.
When you’ve decided on your perfect LGBTQ+ inclusion and equality speaker or entertainer, then call +44 (0) 1753 439 289 or email us at bookings@greatbritishtalent.com.