Ben Smith

Ben Smith wasn’t born a runner, in fact, he wasn’t much of a sporty person at all, and yet he can now be introduced as an extreme marathon runner and inspirational athlete.

He suffered at the hands of bullies for being gay throughout his time at school, which knocked his confidence and self-esteem, leading him to attempt to take his own life at the ages of 18 and 21. When he was 29, and 17 stone, Ben suffered a Transient Ischemic Attack, otherwise known as an incomplete stroke, which gave him the push he needed to change the way he lived his life.

Ben uses his own story of a tormented childhood to engage audiences in the topic of bullying and offer strategies for change. The awareness Ben brings to such areas as healing through sport, LGBTQ+ rights, mental health, physical wellness and resilience is essential.

Contact Great British Speakers today to book LGBTQ+ and mental health speaker Ben Smith for your next event.

Type Of Speaker


‘I recognised in Ben somebody who saw that his life wasn’t going the way he wanted it to and he was brave enough and strong enough to alter its direction. On the first day I met Ben, I watched him tell his story to a roomful of teenage kids, it came straight from the heart. It sounds like a simple message, but his story has so many layers to it, which is why Ben inspires so many people for so many different reasons.”

Steve Cram CBE – Former Olympic Athlete

‘So many people end up on a path they don’t really want to be on, but they haven’t got the strength and courage to turn back and try another way instead. Ben has taught people that it’s never too late to completely change your life around and be the person you really want to be. He’s motivated so many kids and adults who have been bullied to re-build their self confidence, and therefore their lives.

His story has helped so many people, but he doesn’t think he is special, which is what is so special about him. I love that I got to meet him. I admire him so much.’

Paula Radcliffe MBE – Olympian and Marathon World Record Holder

‘Ben’s delivery of his personal story and journey was done in an authentic way. The audience could really relate to Ben and found his talk very moving. It really did start a conversation within the Company to talk more openly about mental health.’


‘Your talk set an important tone for the rest of the day. The day was attended by 150 members of the paediatric multi-professional teams mainly from the Great North Children’s Hospital, but also colleagues’ working across the North East and it was a great success.’

The Great North Children’s Hospital

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