Rick O’Neill

Rick O’Neill is a digital consultant, principally within the medical aesthetics, cosmetic surgery and pharma sectors.

With more than 20 years’ experience in digital marketing, Rick is the founder and owner of the award-winning digital agency ‘Look Touch & Feel’, a founding partner of The Aesthetic Entrepreneurs, digital consultant to Merz Aesthetics, and investor/advisor to several other digitally-focused businesses.

Having spoken Internationally, and delivered hundreds of webinars and presentations, Rick is well-placed to engage any audience in any market about the cutting edge strategies in digital marketing that are yielding big results, and to bring laughter and engagement along with the insights and practical, actionable, hints and tips he provides.

Contact – Email  Great British Speakers today to book entrepreneur and digital marketing expert speaker Rick O’Neill for your next corporate event or call +44 1753 439289.


Type Of Speaker


“I am absolutely loving working with Rick. He is a digital guru who cares deeply about our mission, vision, and team. He guides different levels of our team to achieve the best they possibly can – through caring mentoring, but with precise goals to achieve key digital targets. His digital experience is wide-ranging and he is ever-ready to give great strategic AND tactical guidance, at any time of day. Thank you Rick for being inspiring in many ways. – can’t wait to do so much more together!

Smruti, Sriram, CEO at Supreme Creations & Bags of Ethics/ Co-Founder of Wings of Hope Achievement Award

Rick provides a rare combination of creative artist and web mechanic. This means he can invent web designs and user experiences perfectly aligned to the underlying technology that brings them to life. He has a particular skill in converting complex ideas and themes into simple, compelling designs. He’s also a bit good at building communities (or social media adoption) and community building talent is the most precious resource in the modern world.

CEO at Supreme Creations & Bags of Ethics/ Co-Founder of Wings of Hope Achievement Award

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