Phil Hammond

Phil Hammond

Phil Hammond is an NHS Doctor, journalist, radio and TV broadcaster, speaker, campaigner and comedian. Born in England, he grew up in Australia before a traumatic incident returned him to the UK at age 7.

Smart, sceptical, serious but funny, Phil can talk about any health and lifestyle topic. He is perfect for award ceremonies, after-dinner speeches, Q&As and conference facilitating.

Contact Great British Speakers today to book NHS Doctor and Broadcaster Dr Phil Hammond for your next event.

Type Of Speaker


One of the most entertainingly subversive people on the planet.
The Guardian

Tough on doctors, patients and politicians. And he’s funny.
The Telegraph

Sceptical, irreverent, very funny and like a mighty gush of fresh air in a field that’s bedevilled with cover ups and cloaked in a vow of silence.
Time Out

Generates dozens of laughs and more ire than any amount of tentative taboo-breaking.
The Financial Times

You’ll never see a doctor in quite the same way again.
The Scotsman

Phil was excellent, engaging and enthralled the audience with a relevant and very amusing stand-up.
Roche Products Ltd.

He was excellent, we enjoyed his quick wit and humour. He held the conference together at the same time as entertaining the audience.
Reflex Communications

Very pleasant and nice to meet him. Very funny, amusing, entertaining and topical.
North West Anaesthesia Ball

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