Chris Baréz-Brown

Chris Baréz-Brown

Described by The Guardian as a long-haired, twinkly eyed cross between Richard Branson and a wizard, Chris Baréz-Brown’s natural ability to uncover everyone’s inner genius helps people to get their energy right every day, so they can achieve more through their own talents and be extraordinary, all whilst driving bottom-line results.

He is a transformational speaker inspiring everyone from corporate to TEDx audiences worldwide.

Book culture & change motivational speaker Chris Baréz-Brown at speaking agent Great British Speakers 01753 439289

Type Of Speaker


Chris Baréz-Brown is a modern day prophet. He has a gift … an uncanny ability to inspire change agents in my organization. Everything he touches turns to gold and shines brightly.

Keith Wilmot, The Coca-Cola Company

So much big talk about transformation… Chris actually delivers it. Time and again. Part art, part gift, part crazy man. He works his magic every time

Maria Eitel, Founder and President of the Nike Foundation

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