Free resilience masterclass, limited time only

18th Jul 2020

Have a Learning Lunch on resilience speaker John Hotowka!

It’s often said there’s no such thing as a free lunch and we’re here to prove that’s true!

Yes – you’ll have to provide your own food, but John’s amazing virtual resilience masterclass is absolutely FREE in this one-off special at 12.30 pm on Wednesday, 29th July 2020.

There is a strictly limited number of places on the Zoom event so click on the button below to book your place.

What’s it about?

There have been various polls over the last few weeks that show that a vast majority of people don’t anticipate and indeed want life to go back to being quite the same as it was prior to COVID.

For example, take a look at the empty city of London compared to ‘normal’ working days.

What does that mean for us?

In practical terms more working from home (if you are able), more concern for the environment and travel are just some of the challenges we face.

It leads to an emotional roller coaster. What lies ahead is a journey of more change and uncertainty.  
Never before has it been so important to have the right frame of mind and clarity of thinking to navigate the road ahead. 
‘Achievement Thinking’ is a collection of simple tools to empower and help you find, keep and grow the strength to continuously flourish, build resilience and manage change.

Real take away benefits from John’s Learning Lunch

In this one hour taster session you’ll learn about the emotional cycle of change we all go through. More importantly, you’ll learn how to quicken the ride through the cycle to reach peace of mind and the calm needed to gain clarity and focus.

You’ll also be given insights, tips, techniques and tools to help build resilience and navigate change each and every time you experience change in the future. 


What clients have said about John’s online sessions:

The content was extremely relevant, topical and timely during the COVID-19 outbreak and will definitely help me with resilience strategies. I will be recommending it to all my colleagues and have taken away a great deal from the session.

John brilliantly adapted to a virtual setting, he really knows how to engage the audience and motivate and I loved the interactive element.


I found John’s presentation via Zoom inspiring, interesting and valuable. His presentation skills were excellent and it was interesting to see such new and innovative ways of presenting!

The content was relevant to the situation we find ourselves in, but it also struck home with me personally.

Aston University

More about John Hotowka

John Hotowka is a business speaker, humorist and magician who has first-hand experience of the highs and lows associated with running a business. He started his solo career in 1989 and built a very successful business. In 2002 he suffered a crisis in confidence and nearly lost everything.
He studied high achievers, NLP, and read through a lorry-load of personal development material. He also gained extensive industry knowledge and insight working with numerous blue-chip organisations and small businesses.
After distilling his findings he developed his ‘Achievement Thinking’ methodology which he used to rebuild his life and career, piece by piece.  He now teaches ‘Achievement Thinking’ to countless corporate and smaller business clients each year, equipping his audiences with the tools they need to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.
His clients include Unilever, Virgin Holidays, Nestlé and Lucozade Ribena Suntory to name but a few.
Some speakers are informative, some are entertaining and some are thought provoking… John is all three!

To find out more about John go to his full bio page HERE

To book John either in person or for a virtual talk contact Jane Farnham at Great British Speakers 01753 439 289

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