Thomas Duncan Bell

Thomas Duncan Bell is a highly respected and inspiring mental health expert who has made a significant impact on the lives of many individuals. Despite facing challenges such as living on the bipolar spectrum, dyslexia, dyspraxia, PTSD, and ADHD, Thomas has managed to turn his own life around and dedicate himself to helping others in need.

Contact Great British Speakers today to book Mental Health, Disability and Leadership Speaker Thomas Duncan Bell for your next event.

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Thomas has been one of the UK’s boldest and most energetic mental health campaigners for many years. His dedication to helping improve people’s lives is inspiring. He is a charismatic and entertaining speaker and one I wholeheartedly recommend.
Brian Heyworth, ex-Global Director HSBC, Chair of the City Mental Health Alliance

I would highly recommend Thomas for any organisation, business, establishment, corporation or even individual that is taking mental health and employee wellbeing seriously. Thomas has a naturally warming and inviting personality, which means he is able to build a unique rapport and resonate with all people due to his experiences, his style appeals to all people of all ages and background. Thomas’ approach to addressing mental resilience and wellbeing is special and breaks industry norms, meaning it feels more human and relatable than generic corporate training, as he is able to relate to real life experiences that he has personally lived through. Thomas is the modern day gateway between business and employees, being a bridge between the two parties, ensuring employee needs are understood and championed. Thomas’ USP is his life story and if he is able to navigate through his life journey and a number of setbacks to champion mental health then his teaching can inspire any business or employee to do the same.
Edward Odofin, Project Manager at BBC

Thomas’ lived experiences and ability to understand human context makes him uniquely positioned to do good work building resilient people and workplaces.
Karen Rivoire, Global Equality Director at IKEA, formerly Global HR Director at Unilever, Chief HR Officer at Kantar Group, also holding senior roles at Microsoft & SONY

I’ve worked with Thomas at multiple events and sat with him on a number of panels over the last 3 years, I’ve also been pleased to have Thomas as part of my Minds@Work movement since our inception. Thomas has spoken for us at events during that time, including Unilever, HSBC & Barclays and he gives a very vulnerable and authentic illustration of his own mental health challenges. He also has the ability to bring some humour to a very serious subject. I would recommend Thomas to any organisation who wants to encourage others to tell their stories and in so doing address the stigma of mental ill health in workplaces.
Geoff McDonald, ex-Global VP of HR & Marketing at Unilever, Global Mental Health Speaker & Consultant, Co-Founder of Minds@Work

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