Sophie Morgan

Sophie Morgan is a TV presenter, broadcaster, author, and disability campaigner.

She has been paralysed from the chest down since she was 18 when she was injured in a car crash, and is one of the only presenters in the world with a permanent physical disability.

After leaving the hospital and adapting to life as a wheelchair user, she joined the Fine Arts Degree at Goldsmiths Art College, London. During her degree, a second career opportunity arose, as she was asked to participate in a groundbreaking expedition across Nicaragua (Beyond Boundaries BBC 2004) and since then Sophie has gone on to establish a diverse and successful portfolio career, spanning across various creative industries.

Sophie is a regular columnist for Conde Nast Traveller and co-founder of the Rights On Flights Campaign.

Contact Great British Speakers today to book high profile disability campaigner & speaker Sophie Morgan for your next event.

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