Rory B.

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Rory B.

Rory is an award-nominated voice artist, working with clients all over the world. His voice has a natural clarity and he can be authoritative and friendly.

Type Of Speaker


Rory is versatile with an innate instinct for lifting characters off the page. What’s more, he has a magical ability to always make himself available- even at short notice! – Ally Lang – Station Sound Producer, BBC Radio 2.

You’re a Pro – And you cracked it first time! – Claire Evans – Producer, Koala TV

Serious Slick – Effortless and so flexible. – Guy Michaels, Voiceover Kickstart

Similar Talent

  • Former Wheelchair Rugby player & Coach
  • Represented GB in 3 Paralympics
  • Won Gold at Paralympics
  • Inspirational Speaker and Mentor
  • Experienced International Broadcaster
  • BBC/ITV News/Aljazeera/TRT World
  • High-Level Moderator
  • Finance/Health/Energy/Construction
  • One of Most Successful Jockeys of all Time
  • Achieved Over 1,500 Victories
  • 25-Year Career in Horseracing
  • Media Pundit
  • JML Shopping Founder
  • Respected Entrepreneur and Economist
  • Political Campaigner
  • Brexit Vote Leave Ambassador