Dr Nike Folayan

Dr Nike Folayan MBE is a Chartered Electronics Engineer with a doctorate in electronics engineering.

She is a Technical Director for engineering consultancy WSP, and leads a tram of telecommunications engineers on a variety of projects within the transport industry, including railways and highways in the UK, Australia, Africa, and the Middle East.

She also chairs AFBE-UK, a not-for-profit which promotes higher achievement in the engineering industry amongst people of black and ethnic minority backgrounds, and is a trustee for the Institution of Engineering and Technology, EngineeringUK, and StemetteFutures.

She was awarded an MBE in the 2020 Queens Honours List for diversity in engineering, and was  named by the Financial Times as one of the Top 100 Most Influential Women in Engineering.

Contact Great British Speakers today to book electronics engineer Dr Nike Folayan for your next event.

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