The Future Beyond Corona – with Leading Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard.

1st Feb 2021

What does the “new normal” post coronavirus world look like in the next 3-5 years? Keynote speaker Gerd Leonhard at Great British Speakers tells all!

‘We Are Not Going Back to Normal: Resilience, Agility and Creativity Will Beat Everything Else’

as Gerd explains below…

Has your life, your industry, your business or your organisation been painfully and irreversibly upended by the Covid-19 crisis? Are you struggling to stay positive, remain relevant, and redesign your future in this utterly uncertain time? Are you trying to boost your resilience and scanning for hope during these difficult times?

The bottom line is that we are not going back to “normal” but that we are heading towards a series of ‘new normals’.  ‘Business as usual’ is quickly fading away, and a new kind of permanent VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) is certain. Once we accept this, I think we can find new ways forward, question our assumptions and discover new possibilities. Only organizations that rapidly comprehend this and adapt (or pivot) will survive and thrive amidst these crushing waves of change. Resilience, collaboration, agility and creativity will replace efficiency as the key objective. From functioning to creating, from KPI to KHI.

While the Corona Crisis has been – and will remain for at least this year – devastating to many of us, and our businesses or organisations it has also resulted in an incredibly unique opportunity for what I call The Great Transformation: a time for reinvention and for change; a time to take bold risks and reap the rewards, a time to reinvent and dare to think different, a time of where dramatic crisis generates radical reinvention.


As Gerd explains, the world is being painfully but irreversibly rebooted by the Covid19 crisis – and we are not going back to the way things were before, instead we must embrace a ‘new normal’ and adapt.

This keynote (usually held remotely) addresses topics such as:

  • What have we learned from this crisis? 
  • The economic and business impact: the future of jobs, work, commerce and trade
  • The geopolitical impact: Europe, the U.S. and China – new power structures? De-Globalisation?
  • The future of capitalism: stakeholder value over shareholder value: finally, sustainable capitalism?
  • The environmental impact: how will this crisis impact climate-change action? How real is the ‘end of oil’?
  • The impact on medical & healthcare: entering warp-drive
  • The societal impact: is technological domination and permanent surveillance next?
  • The personal impact: fears and hopes, solidarity vs. opportunism, resilience vs desperation
  • The impact on investing: where will the money go?
  • The impact on education, learning and universities (and leadership)

Read more about Future Change expert Gerd Leonhard’s experience and other keynote talks here at Great British Speakers.

Make an Enquiry

In reflection of the current circumstances, Gerd’s keynote is usually held virtually i.e. as a digital keynote, but if you’d like Gerd to host this keynote in-person i.e. in ‘real-life’ contact us to see how we can arrange for Gerd to host his keynote safely to your audience.

Call +44 1753 439 289 or email Jane and Steve at Great British Speakers now to find out more, or to book virtual futurist speaker Gerd Leonard for your next event.

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