Romilly Weeks

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Romilly Weeks

Romilly Weeks is a news broadcaster who has covered events from all over the globe for ITV News.

She has covered royalty – from the sad days of royal deaths to the happier occasions of weddings; politics, from the positivity of election days to the votes of no confidence, and warfare as far and wide as Iraq and Ukraine.

Romilly is also available to hire for speaking and hosting engagements at Great British Speakers

Type Of Speaker

Similar Talent

  • International Affairs/Foreign Policy
  • Digital Transformation/Technology
  • Sustainability
  • Diversity and Inclusion/Equality
  • Award-Winning Journalist
  • Channel 4 Dispatches
  • Channel 4 News and Europe Editor
  • Speaker & Host
  • Former Team GB Olympic Swimmer
  • Popular Sports Commentator and TV Presenter
  • Huffington Post Blogger
  • Motivational Speaker and Awards Host
  • TV Chef, Including on Ready Steady Cook
  • Former Head Tutor at Leith School of Cookery
  • Author of Multiple Books
  • Founder of Devon-Based Cookery School